Climate competition demands not only goods and services of high quality but also speed service in addition to the cheap price. To achieve the standard competitive as this, the organization would not want to be inward looking to optimize business operations in each line, stabilize and improve the quality and reliability system. This includes optimization of completeness of the control of the process, the solution to long-term sustainability, not only to minimize errors but also waste treatment and back, time efficiency, and elimination of activities that do not provide added value.
Cycle of process improvement initiatives in outline is divided into three main activities, discovery and design, deploy and execute, and monitor and control. Discovery starts with identifying the needs of the process. Start from the force, the value of governance, strategy, until the results of the business organization. This will support the identification of "raison d'etre" of the process. Furthermore, identification was followed by the inventory of the process that has been running both the process and the process of the main supporters. Inventory is a snapshot of how the flow chart works, how the cost of the necessary, cycle time and others. In addition need to be, whether a process to provide value-added or not.
Categorize the results of value analysis is useful to determine the priorities in the repair process. Even, if necessary, a process that does'nt give added value since this stage can be trimmed. The only consideration should carefully before trim it. But it also means not to be at-letting process that does not bring added value is more cumbersome. Like letting the fact that the goods were not used but discarded rubbish I had to make it a burden.
The results of the inventory was followed up with further determine who is responsible for a process (process ownership). The first responsibility of the owners of this process is to inculcate the culture and sustainable improvements. With the improvement of sustainable development, defined as a standard indicator of performance parameters of the process, which includes aspects of the time, cost and quality. Criteria of this standard is made clear, measurable, and can be reached. So that the standard was based on the assessment can be made of how much the performance gap from the process during this run. Root cause analysis can be done to get what factors into pemicunya. By knowing the trigger factors of this opportunity for improvement can be identified, whether it is through the adoption of technology, improvement of management practices, work flow improvement, or the other.
The next stage is design a new model that is able to optimize the performance of the business in accordance with the characteristics that have been found. Learning from the experience of others through him with a "best practices" from the related industry will help inward looking out from the trap, reduce risk and cost and maintain the company.
Before being implemented, these new models was simulated, as the experiment of the changes that occur, how successful the improvement of the design is running. This simulation will reduce operational risks by anticipating the lack of new models. If successful, the simulation model can be implemented while monitored by the analysis and control of the results. Still in the spirit of improvement and development cycle.
Each of these stages, human resources play a role vital, both in his role as the Process Designer, Process Executor, and Process Manager. Thus, the training sustainable and implemented cross-sectoral is needed to improve their competency. Besides understanding the perception of the employee to become compulsory for the company. Pride as employees who feel valued as an asset the company should be proportional attention. Feelings of pride and this can increase Engagement employees of the company and the rope can become a very strong emotional boost to the internal motivation. Making 'enjoy' work every day and feel how the works to give added value to customers. If an employees' enjoy 'job will be to foster compliance in conducting its duties with wholeheartedly. Sincerity in serving the internal and external customers will improve the quality of service.
Of course, this customer orientation can't be overlooked in the management of the business.
Source : here
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