Here is the current reality there is a phenomenon to be studied. When prices of Avtur rise, two airline operator immediately reduce the number of flight and destination of Yogyakarta. However, there are other airlines that action as will increase the number of flights to and from Yogyakarta. For the first two operators, the increase price of Avtur was arrested as a threat, while an airline operator interpret this as another opportunity. A valuable lesson that risk, uncertainty, and losses are three different things, the same can not reconcile it.
Many people are wrong, the risks are considered together with business and financial risks are considered together with the loss. In the financial risk is only one component of the risk business, in addition to the risk of the project, operational risk, market risk and risk associated with the regulations.
Risk in the event of a substance that has a negative impact on the company's goals and strategy. Integrated risk management is a process where the risk is identified, measured and manageable throughout the organization. The possibility of the risk and consequences of the business are two fundamental things to identified and measured. Through integrated management of risk, every strategic decision taken on the basis of the information is always valid and reliable. Thus, the decision is expected to be able to effectively anticipate the events in the future and reduce uncertainty.
Ironically, the frequent risk management focused only on the risks associated with operational activities, which is then converted into units of money (financial risk). This approach is certainly less complete, because not covering overall risk inherent in the business. Indeed, every industry has its own emphasis on risk will controlled. In integrated management of risk, the risk of a dominant as the main reference. For example, in the financial industry and banking, risk management more on the financial aspects without ignoring other aspects of risk.
The next question is how to technical integrated risk management? In fact, the process began from analysis to accurately both internal and external environment the company. Results of analysis and then followed up with the identification and classification are clear, specific, comprehensive and each of the risk that, from the aspects of operational, market, financial, project, and regulations. One of the ways that are often done through the identification question is what, when, where, why, how associated with the emerging trend of risk. Of course, this process is not quite done tembak only once only. The complete data collected in the identification process, this will further facilitate the search for solutions for each of the risks that arise.
However, only identification is not enough. Many companies can do well with the identification of risk is the risk that know what will be faced in business activity, but one of anticipation in doing. Why? Not infrequently in determining disability would start from where the resolution of the problems that arise cause despair. Therefore it is necessary to the process of analysis and evaluation. This process helps to understand the potential risks with the impact of any future risk if true, and to determine whether a risk can be accepted or not.
The problems that often appear in determining priority is the handling and determination of the limit of tolerance when terebut risk can not be managed entirely. Limit of tolerance will determine how much of a risk can be accepted (Acceptable). Here, policy and management of the company's leadership role in decision making. Of course it is not enough merely rely on gut feeling as related to the achievement of the target company. In the risk management business, management companies are some options: avoid risk, reduce risk, or transfer the identified risks will appear.
For the type of risk that potential high-impact and large, the options that can be taken is to avoid the risk. This means that the company's management determined that the company will avoid any activity that is high risk. On the other hand, for the type of risk that the occurrence probability is low impact and small, management can only accept the limits of tolerance that has been set. To risk the possibility of the emergence of small but big impact, companies usually do a transfer of risk facing the other parties, such as with insurance, but the company still responsible for minimizing the potential risks.
Of course, a risk management policy must be preceded by a comprehensive analysis by considering various aspects, especially related to the cost and the benefit that will be obtained and are covered by the company. Here the functions of planning, supervision and control of policies that will be taken against a risk will be very decisive.
Actually what is a major factor in the application of risk management in an integrated organization, especially when associated with the performance of the company? Leadership can not be finished a role as a stimulus to provide direction and guidance for all members of the organization. With such commitment from the leaders (leadership commitment) is not successful in determining risk management. In addition, the risk management culture needed a strong bond as for all members of the organization that can be attached, as achieving the goal line. In the implementation, revenue from members of the organization just is not enough, more than the required depth involvement (deep Employee Involvement) members from each organization. In addition, the integration between planning and implementation is also important.
Change management, communication and learning play a role as a pillar integrated risk management. Leaders of the organization should disillusion the meaning of the crisis or even, if necessary, create a situation of crisis in relation to the importance of the implementation of risk management is done to improve the performance of the organization. In the step-by-step guide that changes needed to better not lose (set back). Clearly, the communication can not end, between the lines in the organization and in time. Keep in mind also that the communication process in risk management is carried out not only limited in the organization (inward), but also outward to partners and other relevant stakeholders.
That very important in the integrated management of risk is the aspect of control. The leader of the organization charged for serious concern in this case because of the often terlemah point in the risk management practices. Control of the well, by learning to make risk management as an integrated process with the completion of the ongoing. In return the organization's performance is improving significantly.
Source : here

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